Monday, September 6, 2010

Vampires and the Twilight of Thought

Color me red. Blood red. I love vampires in all their splendor, from the crypt dwelling coffin sleeping nightmares of classic vamps to the suited, elegant vampires of their current incarnation, they all please me. What doesn't please me are the suited lawyers (now there's vampires for you) of Summit Entertainment: Owners and promoters of the Twilight Saga, who have just made another sweep of the internet seeking to keep the free world safe for Edward: oh, and their ownership of the thought/word connection.

They claim that the following definition of vampires infringes on the copyright of one -- they don't bother saying which -- of the Twilight Saga.

Vampires are evil undead creatures who avoid sunlight. They aren't sweet, and do not want to marry young ladies.

Do you see any reference to their blasted saga there? I see an opinion. Yes, the opinion is not the one they use to sell their many products. But, as holder of eleven copyrights myself, I understand that copyright does not give me ownership of thought. It especially doesn't give me ownership of thoughts that displease me.

As I said: Color me red, blood red. And you should be too.