Sunday, October 16, 2011

Vampires, Coffins, and Victims: and Me

Sweet Goth, aka Leslie, has been overwhelmed with running a vampire business (Grave Images llc) while teaching four assorted composition class, while editing  Scion Press books (Lena Cameron, Dreams and Omens) and working out the logistics of teaching webinars on composition subjects. All of this is teaching me that I have a "thing" about the supernatural in all its manifestations. And I am over-extended. And audience is KING!

Since October 1, 2011, my family and I have been running a vampire photography booth at a local "haunt," (Scream at the Beach's Jantzen Beach, OR location for those who know Portland).  We entered the Biz because I thought other folks interested in vampires, Goths, Emos, and all of us supernaturally inclined folks, would be interested in having their picture taken dressed as a vampire while emerging from a coffin. I know I would have paid someone else my hard earned cash for the opportunity to do so. 

Again, I am being reminded that audience is king. It seemed like a perfect fit -- both to us and the people producing the really scary haunt. We all thought we'd be pulling people out of the coffin, willy-nilly, to let the next into the coffin. Well, it hasn't quite worked out that way.

It turns out that the social dynamics of groups is tough to beat. And they don't steer our way. If one of the group finds it too "scary," the other isn't allowed to sit in the coffin. If it isn't free, it isn't worth it to sit in the coffin. If we won't fit nine fairly beefy adults into the coffin for one $8.00 group shot, it isn't worth it to sit in the coffin. 

Don't get me wrong, those very few who have "gotten it" have been great fun. But like in all things, know your audience, and repeat after me, "Location, location, location." Our biz would be a go in at least three place which aren't Portland, OR. If you live in New Orleans, New York, or London, contact me for a great business plan.

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