Saturday, June 21, 2014

July 4: OR, Just Another Vampire Day (Part 2)

July 4: OR, Just Another Vampire Day

by Leslie Ormandy Copyright 2012 ALL rights reserved.

This is part 2 of my Fourh of July vampire story. Scroll down a bit -- or hit this link:
-- to find part 1.
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Sarah looked up as the next firework exploded into the night sky. It was beautiful – apart from the deafening noise. The streamers of light cascaded down in several colors, forming a brief-lived flower. She felt his movement as he leaned forward and smelled the chemical as he dropped it into her soda, but kept her attention ostentatiously focused on the fireworks.

Allowing him to drug and rape her hadn’t really been her plan, but she could work with the scenario. After all, it did put them someplace private, and a van or dungy backroom was less likely to be disturbed than under dark bushes or behind a tree. She’d always been one to go with the flow.

“Wow, that was beautiful,” she said as she allowed her face to light up as she looked at the “father” figure sitting next to her. “Do they do this every year?”

But any lying answer he would have made was drowned out by the next explosive boom. Sarah pretended surprise and nudged her drink cup, making it look like it might spill.

Wilton was very quick to steady the shaking cup while she looked up at another flower design.

“I love the flower ones,” she told him, as she looked back at him and picked up her cup and lifted it to her lips.

She heard his quick inhalation as he watched expectantly, so as she turned her head to watch the next display, she took a long drink. As always, in these scenarios, she was grateful that she could drink liquids. It made it so much easier to fit in and lead the predator on.

Turning back to him a bit later and putting her hand to her head, she told him, “I’m not feeling so hot.”

“Why don’t you just lie down for a moment? I’ll keep an eye out for your brother’s truck, it’s a red Chevy, right? he offered, knowing there was unlikely to be a brother looking for her.

“I guess that would be alright,” she said faintly. And with his eager help Sarah lay down next to him on the blanket, and after allowing her eyes to glaze and then drift closed, she waited as impatiently for the fireworks to finish and the surrounding crowd to begin dispersing as Wilton was waiting. Neither could make their next move until then.

Finally the last explosion brightened the night sky, and the crowd began hurriedly gathering belongings and joining the lines to the exit.

“Is she alright?” Sarah heard a wavery concerned voice ask.

“My daughter was up all last night coming home from college,” Wilton answered affably.

“Do you need help getting her to your car?” a male voice offered.

“No, It’s a nice night, and might as well let her catch a few winks here as wake her and sit in line waiting to get out. Traffic. Thanks for the offer, though. Have a pleasant night.”

She heard the kind man shout to a friend as the couple walked away.

Pretty soon, all was quiet; even the men doing the fireworks display and checking for sparks left, and Wilton and she were all that remained.

She murmured softly and let herself go deadweight as she was rolled up in the blanket and slung her over his shoulder.  She opened her eyes and covertly checked to make certain that indeed no one was around.

After a fair bit of jouncing and a whole lot of having to put up with her legs and butt being felt up, Wilton reached his van. Sarah smiled to herself. She had been fairly sure he’d be driving a van. Any old man who roofied a young woman was going to drive a van. Some sort of rule.

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